How Do You Evaluate a Car?

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If you work in the automotive industry as a used car dealer or professional, you often search for ways to evaluate a car in the UAE. Most private individuals sell an automobile by visiting the dealership and test-driving it. But that's a whole different scenario for us vehicle salesmen, like you. That's when the exciting part starts. and devious.

Accurately assessing a used car from an internet photo when you are unable to view it in person requires careful examination, research, and expertise. Here at, we value openness and thorough explanations greatly because of this. We prioritize your success, after all.

So how can one assess a second-hand car the best? We got together, with one of our pricing analysts, to find out what the most crucial factors are to consider when assessing a used automobile online. Along the process, we imparted some tips and insights that you have learned.

Initial Impressions Count Greatly to Evaluate a Car

You know how, in just seven seconds, people can determine whether or not they like someone? The same way for automobiles. The car has to have a certain aesthetic feel from the moment you see it. Choose what catches your eye when it comes to color, wheel design, or overall aesthetics. Don't overthink this step, please. Simply follow your instincts.

After Reading the Description, Read It One More

More than anything else, evaluating a used car comes down to your investigation abilities. It will save you money in the long run if you take the time to properly read through the description.

The significance of carefully reading the description cannot be overstated. This is the one piece of advice I would give you if I could only give you one. Go over everything once, and then once more. Essentially, this is all that is required for a successful review.

In the description, any possible mechanical damages will also always be indicated. Keep an eye out for this symbol in our listings' description boxes; it will provide you with precise information on the damages.

Examine Each and Every Picture

It's probably not necessary to elaborate on this topic more. Photos and descriptions work together to provide all the information you need to evaluate a used automobile successfully. "Consider the Alfa Romeo Giulia as an illustration. Although it is normally a five-seater, this car is occasionally offered for sale as a two-seater in France. 

Because many individuals are unaware of this, they purchase the car without checking the pictures or the description, believing they have just purchased a five-seater. You can only imagine how shocked they will be to get the car. Whoa. Do not omit this step at all!

Select the Trim Level

What is a car's trim level? It generally refers to the quantity of extra features and equipment that an automobile possesses. We frequently receive calls from customers inquiring about the pricing discrepancy between two cars that appear to be identical. 

They both seem the same, yet one is more expensive than the other. The trim level makes a difference. Some things, like air conditioning, are now considered conventional. But a sports package will quickly increase a car's price.

Search for items in the description box that have this symbol attached to them. Our goal is to designate these high-value extras, such as parking assistance, cruise control, LED lights, and panoramic roofs, clearly so you can quickly understand all the features that set one model apart from the other. 

The Significance of Place

Location, location, location is a phrase you've undoubtedly heard used a million times in relation to real estate, but it also applies to used car dealing. What kind of automobiles you need to buy will depend on where you intend to sell your cars.

It is crucial to comprehend consumer behavior in the nation in which you plan to market. For instance, Fiat 500, Opel Corsa, and Peugeot 208 are examples of compact, nimble automobiles that fit into tight spaces and can quickly zip over narrow Italian streets, which are preferred by Italian drivers.

However, you guessed it—German brands are the top-selling automobile brands in Germany. Larger SUVs and station wagons are preferred in colder, more hostile climates with greater distances between populous areas.

This is also the point at which the car's mileage, fuel type, and GDP per capita begin to interact. Lower mileage petrol vehicles will be more common in nations. 

Color-Based Second-Hand Car Evaluation

Another crucial factor that dealers looking through online auction marketplaces should take into account is the car's color. In every way, traditional colors like silver, grey, and black will be the safest option. When you're shopping, it's great to know that cars with blue and brown tones tend to be cheaper simply because of their color. However, it could be challenging to resell those vehicles. In every price category, black and grey cars are by far the most popular, according to our own sales data.

The colors used also heavily depend on the location. Because they reflect sunlight, white and silver are excellent color options in warmer nations, the research indicates that the interior temperature of white and silver cars is 5–6°C lower than that of black cars.

A little bit of a wild card is red. Though I doubt it would be as popular as the safe, neutral colors, is there any color you might choose for a Ferrari? Without a doubt, we cannot.

The Appropriate Brands for a Second-Hand Car

Numerous criteria will determine which car brands are best for your business, but generally speaking, German automobiles are always a secure choice. They're dependable, excellent, and long-lasting; you can't go wrong with them. Demand for Volkswagen, Mercedes, Audi, and BMW is consistently high. Regardless of the year or season, those cars are always in high demand.

In the electric car industry, Tesla is becoming more well-known because of the several tax advantages associated with owning an electric car. French and Italian automobiles are also strong sellers. Select a well-known brand for the vehicle's intended use, or choose a well-liked and generally safe choice, such as a German brand.

How to Assess a Second-hand Automobile

That's it, dear! It's as simple as carefully reading and examining every photo when analyzing a car online, as our pricing analyst often reminds us then after that read some more. Then after that, continuing to look. By now, you get the picture! As you get more expertise in the automobile sector, you'll be able to identify which vehicles are most profitable or appropriate for your type of business.